Stepping Towards Fitness

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Too Skinny... Or Healthy?

I have had some people tell me that I am too skinny. I have even had people tell me that I look like I have been starving myself. Do you know how much this bothers me?
I was considered obese before I started my fitness journey. It has taken me nearly 2 years, but I have finally hit my goal weight and size and I am PROUD of that!!!

People never told me that I was too fat, but they feel that it is okay to say that I am too thin. How does that make sense? I definitely didn't work hard to become fat, but I have worked hard to become thin and fit. You know what else? I am still not where I want to be. I still have places that jiggle and I am going to tone those up. This is what HEALTHY looks like! I did not starve myself. I ate healthy and exercised to get the my body to what God meant it to look like.
If you know someone that is thin and healthy, please don't tell them that they are too skinny. It is not a compliment and it may hurt someone's feelings.


Cindy said...

Theresa, I think you look wonderful! Just ignore those comments and be proud of what you have accomplished! I know how hard it was to do what you did and am happy you made your goal. You are an inspiration to others. Always remember that!

Unknown said...

People are....wait for it....jelly! That's all and that's it. Haters gonna hate. Keep up the good work Theresa. You look fab!

Laura VanArendonk Baugh said...

There's a perfect scene in the movie MEAN GIRLS when all the Cool Girls are taking turns saying what they don't like about their bodies, and then they all turn expectantly and wait for the other girl to participate by dissing her own body. It's funny because it's true. We US females have an (unfortunate) cultural bonding in being unhappy about our weight and shape.

Now look at your before and after pictures, especially the before. You are happy in both of them. HOW DARE YOU.

Not only are you proving weight loss is possible (something the obese like to pretend is not), you have the nerve to then to be HAPPY while you do it. You bitch.   Bystanders have a choice to find your progress either inspirational ("Yay! I can do that!") or frustrating ("Grr! Why can't I do that?")

The kneejerk reaction is to attack what makes us uncomfortable, and if your success makes me uncomfortable about my lack of success, of course I'm going to try to prove that you aren't really successful. That means arguing that you didn't really make a healthy change, etc.

Most of this is subconscious, but that doesn't make it less real.

Solution? Well, you don't have a solution, because it's not your problem.   You just keep being inspirational for people who chose to take your success that way. For people who choose otherwise, well, there's nothing you can do about them except still be inspirational if they decide to change their minds.

Julia E. Boyd said...

I first met Theresa when I joined Beachbody to regain my health and fitness. I've yo-yo dieted in an unhealthy manner for a good portion of my life. I grasped the concept that violent calorie reduction and severe deprivation alone WOULD make me lose weight...and it did...but also that the weight would most likely come right back on. And it did. I found myself at 58 with a wonderful new husband that it seemed I'd waited forever for...I loved my profession...and I had wonderful friends and family. I had everything. But as a chef, I loved cooking for my new husband. I didn't put any limits on what I would prepare ~ pulling out all the stops with rich sauces, cheesy gratins, and gorgeous pastries. Whoops. Despite having everything to live for...I felt sick. I was at an unhealthy weight and my years of dieting the wrong way had caught up with me. I wasn't just fat ~ I was sick. No formal exercise, no attempt to fuel my body with the healthy foods it needed to feel strong, have energy, and enjoy life. I knew my blood sugar was probably high...I was bone dead tired most days....and I was becoming scared and depressed. With Jennifer and Theresa de Felice as my coaches, I began my journey back to health. Some days Id look at their healthy young bodies and feel like I couldn't possibly get there. I saw the before and after pics of ppl who had lost a lot of weight the healthy way but it seemed unattainable. Then I learned that Theresa had actually lost the amount of weight that I needed to lose. I stared at her lean pics, sweaty and happy after working out....and just decided to do exactly what they were telling me to do. I learned how to eat right. I learned to start exercising, just 30 minutes a day at first...but to try and never miss a day. It was a slow start...and not every day was filled with happy positive thoughts, but I kept at it. I'm still on my journey...but I've lost over 30 pounds ~ feel so so much better, and love the way I feel after working out. My blood sugar is normal and I have the energy to do the things I love again. I write this for you Theresa because these are the stories you have to internalize. Not only did you transform your life...but you have helped to transform other's lives. Every time someone says something moronic or hurtful....think of what truly matters in this world. Thank you hun...❤️

Theresa said...

Thank you for all the kind words everyone! I truly love being healthy and feeling good because of it :)