Stepping Towards Fitness

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

What is a Team Beachbody Coach?

I started off my weight loss journey on my own. I bought the program and ate as healthy as I could. One day I had my cousin tell me she has become an independent beachbody coach.  I thought that was awesome!  She then started to help me by including me in these amazing groups that provided amazing information and support. I really started to see results!  After a year I started thinking that I would love to share my experiences and knowledge with other people like me.
Beachbody nutrition and fitness programs work and I just wanted to shout it from the rooftops! My cousin became my coach in that year of exercise and she asked me to join her team. After some research,  I decided to give it a try!
I've been a coach for about 6 months now and I am so glad that I am! Meeting new people and sharing the experience of living in a healthy way is a great feeling.
Now, this is not just all happy feelings you get as a reward.  You also get paid to be a coach, and you get a 25% discount off of all your purchases!
If you want more information,  check out this video from the CEO of Team beachbody :

If this is something that interests you, I would love to have you on my team! Comment below or email me at and I'll get you more info on how!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Just have fun

I love eating healthy. I also love having fun.
Sometimes it is great to just let loose and live your life. That is what I did this weekend and I loved every minute of it!  What is the point in being in the best shape of my life if I can't enjoy it? That's just it, I can and I do! I did that this weekend at Gnawbrew! What an amazing time it was too!
Great Beer
Great Friends
Great Time!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Country Heat Test Group!

ONLY 7 DAYS till the release!!!!!!!!!!

Please check out my event:

I am just so excited to order the Country Heat Program!

Interested in more information on it? Check out this article:

Be one of the first people to buy it and try it out.
My test group starts on August 8th! Let me know if you are ready to dance your way into fitness!
Email me or comment below if you are interested!

Lifestyle Change

When I first realized that I needed to do something about my weight I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I was afraid to workout because of being so big. So, I started with my diet first.
Eating clean is hard at first, but is so good for you and totally do-able! I actually lost 20 pounds with just changing my diet!

Diet wasn't enough though. I stopped losing weight and I was so worried that I would gain that weight back. That is a valid fear right? I had not been introduced to the phrase "lifestyle change" . I only thought it was a diet. You know, you lose the weight then go back to eating the things you like, right? WRONG. Well, for the most part.

Anyway, diet wasn't enough. This is when I found a workout program that didn't totally make me want to die while I was exercising. I mean the trainer was a 57 year old man, it couldn't be too hard right? Sorry Tony Horton! In reality it was hard, but with the dedication to 30 minutes a day and a walk to my basement, I was able to lose a lot more weight with P90x3! Not only was I losing weight, but finding a new way of life. My body was getting stronger and I was getting more confident and with that I was a happier person!

As the months moved on and the pounds fell off, I was able to try out more programs with Beachbody. I got a coach and she introduced me to these amazing groups that give awesome tips and motivation called challenge groups! In these challenge groups I started losing the fear of gaining my weight back because I was introduced to a lifestyle change. Because of these groups, I was able to get the confidence to become a coach myself and to share this all with you! This is not some temporary fix, it is a lifestyle change, and I am better for it!

Did you know that I can still have those foods that I "gave up"? Yep, I have them all the time. Just in moderation! Moderation is key to pretty much everything in life. If you overdo anything, I am pretty sure you would regret it. That is the same thing with food. I love my lifestyle and definitely enjoy the little things, including pizza and the occasional adult beverage :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


What is Shakeology and Why do I love it?

Let's start with the basics. Shakeology is a meal replacement shake. Is it a protein shake? No. It has a good amount of protein in it though! It is a nutrient rich shake that has the nutrients your body needs on a daily basis. It is made to help curb your appetite, increase energy, reduces cravings, regulates your digestion, helps with weight loss and more! I can say that all of these things have been true on my part. I feel so healthy now that I drink it. I do not have many cravings. The skin on my face is clear and looks healthier. My hair and fingernails are growing like crazy. The energy level that I have while drinking it is amazing! I couldn't imagine my day without drinking it now.

One of my favorite things about Shakeology is the fact that it is made with all natural ingredients! If I get bored with the flavor, I can change it up too! There are so many different flavors. Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Cafe Latte, Greenberry, Vegan chocolate, and Vegan Tropical Strawberry. They also come with different recipes to try when you get your 30 day supply!! I am having a hard time deciding what my favorite recipe is, but this one is near the top of the list.

1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
8 oz unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup water
1/2 banana
1/4 cup walnuts
1 Tbsp natural peanutbutter
Blend it all in the blender with ice and then enjoy!

If you curious about more information you can check it out here:

Monday, July 18, 2016

Country Heat Sneak Peak!

Check out my Facebook Page for a video of the sneak peak of Country Heat!!
It is only today so if you wanna see it on Beachbody on demand, now is your chance.
Email me if you want to sign up!

21 Day Fix

I have a confession! I bought this program 6 months ago and am just now starting it! Well, a week ago that is! I really was dreading the containers. I lost so much weight doing my own thing that I felt that it would be silly to change what I was doing. Well, I hit a plateau. I hit it for nearly 6 months too! I finally got to where I was ready to try anything to hit my goal weight, so I cleaned the containers and unwrapped the dvd's and got started!
I started a week ago and am happy to report that I feel sore and have lost 2 pounds already!!! I absolutely love Autumn Calabrese! She has a great way of making you feel like you are right in the room with her. My muscles may be cussing her, but I am so happy to see what the next two weeks of the program are going to bring. Not only do I love drinking the Shakeology and using the meal plan, the workouts are fun to get in at the beginning of my day!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Country Heat!

Hey everyone! I know this is my first post so I think I should tell you a little about myself! I am a stay at home mom of 2 beautiful children. I have the opportunity to homeschool them! I absolutely love spending time with them and doing fun activities with them. Before I found Beachbody programs, doing those activities with them took a lot out of me. I was very over weight and unhealthy. Something just clicked and I knew I had to do something about it for myself and my family. I found beachbody and haven't looked back!

It has been a long journey, and it isn't over yet, but I am happy with what I have accomplished so far! 

So you are probably wondering what in the world is the Country Heat picture doing on here. I guess I can get to that now that you know my story! Oh man! I am so excited to announce that there is a new workout program coming out that will knock your boots off!
Were you interested in doing the Cize It Up, but were intimidated? Fear no more, and check out Country Heat!
It is a 30 day program that is a dance cardio program that is done to country music! There is no memorization required, just the desire to have fun while working out! 
The best part is the workouts are no longer than 30 minutes!!!
Not only do you not have to worry about choreography, but it comes with an awesome meal plan with portion control containers.
Not sure if you want to get the whole program? Beachbody on Demand is having a preview all day tomorrow for one of the workouts!
Do you need or want a coach? I can be your coach! Message me at
Email me and I can help you get set up with me as your coach for FREE!
Who wants to join me with trying out Country Heat tomorrow?!

Check out this video!