Stepping Towards Fitness

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Mother and Daughter Workout

I absolutely love setting a good example for my kids. So when my little girl asks to workout with me I am going to jump all over it! We giggle and fall here and there and it makes those memories so fun! Here is a video of our workout!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

A new KICK BUTT program!

I have to tell you that I love my programs that I already have, but new programs are super fun! If you have ever wanted to try mixed martial arts, Core De Force is for you.
I have really come a very long way in the last two years. I have exceeded my goals. I am two pant sizes below my goal and at my dream goal weight! There is still to be desired though. Being overweight and losing weight means lots of toning and tightening. I think this will do the trick!

I am so ready to fight for these results. I'll be doing kick boxing, boxing, and Mauy Thai for the next 30 or more days to whip my butt into shape! I did day one today and absolutely loved it. What is even better is I did it on Beachbody on Demand! I ordered the program two days ago, and I just couldn't wait for it to ship to me. I didn't have to though! When you order the program, you have full access to it when you are a Beachbody on Demand member.

Wanna see what my workout was like? Check out my video!

If you are interested in joining Team Beachbody for free with me as your coach. Go to this link and check out my profile and Join Me!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

On the go?

How often do our lives keep us on the go and away from the kitchen? Sometimes it's just not possible to pack a meal before we hit the road, or something comes up and we didn't have time to plan ahead.
So the option is eat greasy foods or go hungry right? Wrong.
There are so many places that have adopted the new trend of eating healthy. You just gotta know what to look for. I found this site that could prove to be useful in the future. Especially with all the holiday traveling we have in store for us in the next months.

I know from experience that there are lots of options out there. Subway has those salads, just choose a sandwich and they can make it into a salad! How awesome! All the restaurants out there can make your sandwich without a bun. All you need to do is ask (they're used to it). Wendy's has great salads and you can also substitute your fries with a side salad.

Don't settle for something just because you think you have to. There are options out there. Your body will thank you for it :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

1200 calories

Before I started with beachbody,  I didn't realize how important eating properly would affect my results. I figured if I ate less than 1000 calories I should lose weight in no time!
I was wrong. Sure I lost a few pounds at the beginning,  but then I hit a plateau.  It was so frustrating.  Here I was starving to death and not dropping a pound. Here is a great article on why:
Don't eat less than 1200 calories

With team beachbody I learned the proper and healthy way to eat by following the meal plan that came with my program and with the help of my coach, support groups, and shakeology.  I was and am never hungry. And am now 90 pounds lighter than my heaviest weight! 

Now that I'm a coach I love sharing what I've learned. If you would like to learn more, join one of my support groups. I'm starting one on November 28th if you are interested!  Comment below,  email me at,  or check out the event at this link Holiday Slim Down

Set Your Sails

How often have you thought that you would like to get fit? How often have you put it off? All you have to do is set your sails and take off with the wind! 

There are so many resources out there and support to help you through. Reach out and take advantage of those. Don't wait till the end of the year. Resolutions are a great way to start your year, but why not finish off this year with a great ending instead?!

That is what I am planning on doing. I am going to start a new program in my next fitness support group in hopes of preventing that holiday bulge. It is called Core De Force and I am beyond excited to kick some butt! Check it out!

If this is a program that interests you, you can sign up with me as your coach and join my next support group so we can do it together! Here is the link to that event. I would love to have other people to start this new program with me :) 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Holiday Slim Down

Slimming down BEFORE the holidays? Are you Crazy? Why not be like everyone else in the world and just wait till the beginning of the year?
I'll tell you why. Did you know that the average American gains 5-10 pounds during the holiday season? That means that much more weight to lose come January. Who wants that much more stress?

Lets get a jump start on those resolutions and still enjoy the holiday food in moderation!
I am starting a group on the 28th of November to help you through the holidays and still feel good about yourself by the end of the year! I can pair you up with a fitness program that comes with a meal plan. If you are interested, you can sign up with me as your coach at and send me an email at to get more info!